"My [Hook] Splint is so comfortable that I forget that I am wearing it.. in fact when I don't wear it I feel like something is missing. It just feels right."

M.B., PIP contracture s/p fracture.

I wore a Hook Splint for a whole day of seeing patients, operating, typing and writing. It was easy to apply by Lisa Flewelling and very comfortable. I had no trouble doing all those things. Thank you Chavi Perelman, OTRL, CHT and Harrison Solomon for this great innovation!

Dr. Don Lalonde

"I switched to the patient's side of the table when I got a Boutonniere Deformity. My Hook Splint RMO helped get rid of my residual stiffness. It conformed so well that I was actually able to still work in it!"

J.V., CHT of 20 years.